Monday, April 18, 2011

NAS as a time machine gives error - backup disk could not be mounted

If you are here I understand how frustrating it is. I had a Maxtor Central axis 1TB NAS hard disk that I used as a Time Machine with my Mac OSX 10.5.8. You can read my post on how to set up a NAS as a Time machine if that is what brought you here. If you are past that stage and stumbled on the error "backup disk could not be mounted" I might be able to offer you some help because I just recovered from that error.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to Install WD Lx TV B-Rad's firmware on your WD TV Live Plus

I bought a WD TV recently and wanted to hack it using B-Rad's firmware. It seems there isn't enough material on internet for this procedure. Therefore, after I figured it out for myself I wanted to share it with everyone who would want to do it.

1) Dowanlod the appropriate firmware from B-Rad's website. Make sure you download the right firmware. The firmware for WD TV Live Plus should only be installed if you have WD TV Live.
2) If it is a zip file unzip it.
3) Copy all of the files from that folder to a USB stick - at the root location, that is not under any folder.
4) In order for your device to recognize the WDLxTV firmware you need to change a file. Open the .ver file and change the version to something newer than what you have on your drive. You get the point right? If the version is older than your current version the device wont bother installing it.
5) Plug in your USB device into your media player and you are done.
6) Stuck at 0%? just remove the USB stick and reconnect.

That is it. You have installed B-Rad on your WD TV. Let me know if you have issues. The username and password both are wdlxtv.